Vivek's Accident

Chapter 1: Vivek's accident

Vivek was one of the top 10 rich men of Asia. He was a very clean man at heart, but the more pure he was, the more dangerous he was. He always helped others, if anyone asked him for help, he would help them without hesitation. He opened his schools, hospitals and banks in many places in Asia. He had no one in this world. He didn't even have a girlfriend. After his mother passed away, he was left alone in this world.

Vivek would go to the temple every day to seek peace for his mother's soul. He did not like to go to the temple at first, but his mother used to go to the temple every day and pray for him. Therefore, Vivek also used to go to the temple every day and pray for the peace of his mother's soul. Similarly, a few days passed, Vivek worked in the office every day and went to the temple every day. His life was from temple to office and from office to home.

One day when Vivek was going from temple to office, he saw a 5 year old boy whose toy had fallen on the road and he was picking it up when suddenly a truck came. Vivek drops all his belongings before the boy was about to meet with an accident with the truck.

And runs and saves that boy. But while trying to save her, Vivek is unable to save himself and meets with an accident with a truck. The condition of his entire dead body becomes such that no one can even see it. That dead body, drenched in blood, was looking even more scary. Vivek died on the spot. That boy's mother was very scared after seeing all this. She goes to her child and slaps him hard on the face and later hugs him and starts crying. That woman could not understand what to do now. She couldn't even thank the man who had saved her child's life. Perhaps the word thank you would have been inadequate. Vivek was seeing a woman and a child crying. Some people present there were standing around the woman and the dead body and the rest of the people started catching the truck driver and beating him.

That driver was drunk and after being beaten by so many people, all his intoxication went away.

Vivek was carefully watching the child and his mother and when his eyes fell on a dead body present there, he got goosebumps for a moment. The arms and legs of that corpse were broken like wood and its mouth was flattened like cardboard. For some time he could not recognize the dead body and when he did, he saw himself. He was touching himself. When he looked at his feet there was nothing there. A strange smoke was coming out from where his feet were.

"It means,,, it means I am a soul."

The boy's mother was crying profusely because Vivek had sacrificed his life to save her child's life.

Come on, there is someone who is crying after my death. 'The soul of Vivek said while thinking in his mind.'

Then a crystal ball appeared in front of Vivek's soul, a lot of light was emanating from that crystal ball. Its light was so bright that even Vivek's soul could not see it. The soul of Vivek says in fear - Who are you? Are you Yamraj's messenger Yam and have come to take me to hell or heaven?

(Note: Yamraj is a God of Hell in Hinduism. And Yam are the subordinates of Yamraj.)

Crystal Ball said in her calm voice, do not be afraid of me Vivek, I will not take you anywhere. I am a servant of Galaxy God.

Galaxy God, is there such a God and in the end he asked, what and who is this Galaxy God? The crystal ball said, "Just as your Hindus, Muslims or any other religion have different Gods, in the same way there is a Galaxy God. He has created all the galaxies." Vivek was still feeling a little scared. . He did not understand why he had come here to me?

So he asked what have you come to me to get? And what do you want from me? Holding the crystal ball he said, first of all, don't be afraid of me, I will not harm you. You stop being afraid of me, then I will tell you the purpose of coming here. Vivek's fear had now subsided a bit, so he asked, So what do you want?

The crystal ball said that you have been chosen by the Galaxy God. He is very happy to see your goodness and there are very few honest and self-respecting people like you in this world. Therefore, Galaxy God has given you a chance to live a new life. Vivek was very happy to hear this and was surprised at the same time. He did not understand how a dead person could come alive.

He has not yet understood the whole thing about the crystal ball. Vivek asked whether I would be born again on earth? So the crystal ball said smilingly, no, you will go to another world, a world which is different from all others. A world that is a galaxy in itself and a planet in itself.

That planet does not belong to any galaxy because it is a galaxy itself. It is just like your Earth. Everyone has the same name, same place, but the behavior of all the people there is different. Vivek was very surprised to hear all this. So he got excited and asked, will I take a new birth there? Will I be reborn there?

So the crystal ball said yes and no. Vivek did not understand what he said. Vivek asked what do you mean, what do you want to say? The crystal ball said that you will enter the body of a 15 year old boy who is about to die.

As soon as you enter his body, you will be born again. Some people together killed him.

Besides, you have a special purpose for going there. You will understand that purpose only after going there. Vivek asked the crystal ball which world it was. Crystal Ball seemed quite excited while telling him this. His voice was like that of an old man, but his excitement level was like that of a child.

He said, that world is my favorite world. If I were not a god, I would also like to be born in the same world. Vivek's reaction subsided after listening to her words but in his mind his emotions were expressing something else.

Crystal Ball said that it is a magical world. To know which world he was in and that he was talking to a god right now, after all who would have a good idea of his feelings and what he was thinking. But Vivek still cannot believe that he is still talking to a god. He had many questions in his mind, but the crystal ball interrupted him and said that there was a lot of time ahead for these questions. Now you know about that world.

On the other hand, some people are good and some are bad. On the other hand, humans can use magic. So that he can survive the attacks of the Demon Beast. They all protect themselves with magic. You will know the rest by going there. Crystal Ball made a tattoo of a black and red dragon on Vivek's body whose tail goes around Vivek's waist and its mouth on his chest. Also a tattoo of a phoenix was made on his brain.

Crystal Ball said, 'The dragon tattoo will strengthen your body and the phoenix tattoo will strengthen your mind.' As long as you support goodness, they will protect you. You don't have to be very good in that world because that place is a den of hungry wolves.

Then a light falls on Vivek's soul and he disappears from there. When Vivek opened his eyes, he was feeling pain all over his body. Vivek remembered that the boy in whose body he was now, had been brutally beaten to death by someone. The wounds were still fresh, that's why his body was hurting so much.

Nearby, an old woman of 60-70 years was treating him. He remembered the memories of the body in which Vivek was present and after putting some pressure on his mind, he remembered that,,, everyone calls this woman 'grandmother'. Vivek was shocked to know that the name of the person in whose body he is now is also Vivek.