
The dark and dense fog melds together, creating confusion.

The endless rows of coffins are tightly packed, stretching into the distant horizon, obscured by the thick fog.

A chilling wind howls through the emptiness, its eerie and cold presence haunting the darkness. It wails mournfully, as if countless ghostly figures lurk within the shadows, emitting an unsettling, urgent sound.

Liu Ping gazes into the eerie silence ahead, the voice of a distant cultivator echoing near his ear once more:

"They will capture your soul and body, enslaving you completely!"

Liu Ping steadies his spirit, feeling a surge of anger rising within him.

Even the Golden Core Swordsman could only hold out for a brief period before considering retreat.

As a Qi refiner, he had no other option but to flee, lacking any knowledge about the monstrous adversary.

"I lost all power, and on top of that I'm being hunted like an animal—how utterly infuriating."

With a surge of determination, he vowed never to retreat in such a humiliating manner whenever a glimmer of hope for a reversal presented itself.

"Hey, there. The spell you gave me is utterly useless. Can you change it to something better?"

There was no response from the sequence.

Within the void, no new prompt emerged.

It simply ignored him.

"Tsk—how troublesome."

Here's the revised text:

Liu Ping shook his head, stowing the broken blade into his storage bag. How should he proceed?

Injured and frustrated, he found himself unable to bolster his strength.

He glanced at the black talisman in his hand, deep in thought.

Upon careful consideration—

The two cultivators had no intention of harming him if not they wouldn't have given him this talisman.

"How can I activate this talisman?" he mused.

Lost in thought, he suddenly felt a shift and looked up.

Fine particles of dust began to dislodge from the rock wall above, scattering into the empty cemetery.

A faint, indistinct sound emanated from behind the rock wall.

"This kind of movement..."

—Something is be approaching.

Is it the pursuer?

Liu Ping swiftly scanned his surroundings.

Seeking out a secluded corner, he lifted the lid of a nearby coffin and lay down, quickly employing the Aura Concealing Art by subtly manipulating his breath.

The Aura Concealing Art was the most basic skills in the Cultivation World, essential for concealing one's strength and avoiding detection by others.


The word reverberated in Liu Ping's mind.

Unable to contain his agitation, he adjusted his movements with practiced precision, channeling his spiritual power covertly.

"Myriad Solitary Aura Restraining Secret Art!"

This was his special technique, he had enhanced the general secret art, capable of isolating oneself from all fluctuations.

It was unfortunate that he was currently only a Qi Refinement Stage cultivator, the lowest rank in the entire cultivation system, unable to fully unleash the power of this secret art.

However, he had no other options at the moment.

No other options...


Liu Ping took a silent breath, a sudden memory surfacing in his mind, prompting a rapid thought.

"Activate 'A Man Without a Role'!" he silently commanded.

In the darkness, lines of small characters swiftly reappeared:

[You have initiated Acting class Extraordinary Ability]

[A Man Without a Role.]

[From now on, you won't attract excessive attention from anyone.]

[Duration: a quarter of an hour.]

Is this thing useful?

Though still doubtful, but there's no other choice but to use it now, hoping it will .

He lay in the coffin, waiting quietly.

Wow — Wow —

A few distinct human voices followed:

"Are you certain it's here?"

"Boss, the space-time fluctuation we detected originated from this spot."

"Yes, boss, we're nearing our target."

" appears to be here."

"Everyone, get ready."


A burst of clamorous sounds ensued.

Gradually, Liu Ping's spiritual consciousness detected several figures.

These individuals had descended from the rock wall, now standing amidst the myriad coffins.


One of them landed on the coffin where Liu Ping lay.

Liu Ping shut his eyes, ceased breathing, and maintained his breath-holding technique, motionless.

The newcomers observed for a moment before speaking once more:

"There aren't any monsters here, are there?"

"Do you intend to search?"

"Yes, let's search. It's safer that way."

Liu Ping subtly moved his hand to his waist, resting it on the storage bag.

The broken blade... could still be of use.


A line of small text emerged from the void:

[Due to proximity to you, the presence near your coffin is compromised.]

[A Man Without a Role' is activated.]

The next moment,

Just as the individual stepped on his coffin, his voice rang out:

"A bunch of timid fools. The battlefield robots have already scanned the area. If there's anything else here, it's just worthless trash."

As soon as he spoke, the other voices abruptly ceased.

He continued:

"Don't waste my time. Buck up and locate the source of the space-time fluctuations. Use the faith tokens to open the spacetime channels—"

"Let's go!"

Everyone responded in unison: "Yes, boss."

The sound of their departure cut through the air.

The surroundings fell silent.

Clearly, these individuals had ventured far away.

Liu Ping breathed a long sigh of relief, and after waiting for a few more moments, he lifted the coffin lid.

There was no one there.

Liu Ping looked in the direction where the people had departed and noticed that the fog grew denser in the cave, extending far into the distance.

An inexplicable sense of unease washed over him.

"This is..."

Liu Ping whispered.

With his heightened spiritual sense, he could discern something lingering within the distant mist—an amalgamation of countless unknown entities, writhing restlessly and emitting a suffocating foreboding.

Liu Ping's heart skipped a beat.

—That direction is where I came from.

Could it be that the fluctuation those people noticed just now... was caused by the monster in the burial ground?

That monster has become aware of my presence!

A sense of impending danger gripped Liu Ping's thoughts.

"Got to go..."

He whispered, glancing upward.

There, he spotted a dark opening on the right rock wall, tens of meters away.

This must be the hole those people had come through just now.

—Perhaps this hole could lead him out of here?

With determination, Liu Ping made a powerful leap. His entire body soared into the air, adhering to the rock wall like a gecko. Swiftly, he made his way to the entrance of the hole

A gloomy wind swept from the cave entrance.

Liu Ping gripped the uneven rock with both hands and cautiously inhaled through his nose.

The wind carried a long and hurried sensation, tinged with a fresh, moist scent.

There must be a path leading to the outside world!

As he prepared to enter the hole, a piercing sound reached his ears. Turning his head, he noticed new developments in the distant reaches of the cemetery.

Within the mist—


A panicked voice pierced the air.

It sounded somewhat familiar, resembling one of the individuals from earlier.

Two or three figures emerged from the fog, crashing through the rows of coffins in their path and hurtling towards Liu Ping.


Shouted the leader.

Suddenly, chaos erupted—

At the far end of the cave, long tentacles covered in mucus surged forward like a shadow.

In a split second, the tentacles ensnared the three individuals.

They screamed hysterically.

The tentacles paid no heed to their struggles, swiftly enveloping the three individuals before soaring away, vanishing once more into the mist.

A roar filled with fury reverberated:

"A bunch of meddling fools... I'm about to..."

Hearing this, Liu Ping wasted no time. Without hesitation, he darted into the hole and propelled himself through the passage with all his strength.

To his surprise, the passage proved relatively short. In a matter of three to five minutes, Liu Ping emerged.

Taking in his surroundings, he surveyed the area.

Liu Ping found himself in another underground cavern filled with coffins.

Irregularly arranged deep caves dotted the surrounding rock walls, their destinations unknown.

Those individuals likely arrived here from one of these caves, sensing abnormal fluctuations nearby. They continued digging until they finally breached the tomb.

With so many caves around, Liu Ping felt uncertain about which direction to take.

What should he do now?

As Liu Ping pondered his next move, a strange sensation emanated from his arms.

—The black talisman!

It broke free from Liu Ping's grasp, hovering gently in the air.

Liu Ping watched intently as the talisman floated and drifted towards a coffin several dozen meters away.

Finally, it came to a halt atop the coffin.

This must be it!

Liu Ping leaped onto the coffin, and suddenly heard faint sounds of wind and water emanating from within.

He swiftly lifted the coffin lid.

To his surprise, the coffin was indeed empty, but there was a sizable hole dug into the ground.

The sound of water emanated from this hole.

In no time, lines of glowing characters appeared in the void:

[The specific environment has been matched.]

[The flow of time and space is anchored.]

[The space-time Talisman has been activated.]

[You can immediately enter the corresponding hidden space-time using the power of the spiritual talisman.]


'This is the escape route!'

Liu Ping seized the black talisman, stepped into the coffin, and meticulously closed the lid from within.

After that was done, he leaped down the hole—

One breath.

Two breaths.

In a short span, a misty glow emerged in the darkness.

A realm emanating boundless light and shadow surged from an incredibly distant and unknowable location, enveloping him completely.