Spreading Death

Liuping was escorted to a table by the bartender.

"A newcomer just joined us. Here, this wine bottle is on the house," the bartender said with a smile, patting Liu Ping on the shoulder before placing a bottle of wine on the table.

With that, the bartender and made his way back to the rear of the bar.

Liuping glanced around at the others seated at the table.

Among them was a middle-aged man sporting a mustache.

He wore a gray hat with a wide, flat brim, resembling a cowboy hat but slightly smaller.

The bar's dim lighting made it difficult to see much more than the man's chin and beard.

Several others seated around the wine table also cast curious glances in Liu Ping's direction.

After a moment's contemplation, Liuping stepped forward to uncork the wine bottle and poured a round for everyone at the table.

Several individuals exchanged glances.

"Respect to the bartender," remarked the middle-aged man with the mustache. "Gotta say, those returning from the realm of the death, if your success is merely due to luck, then your role as a watchman won't last much."

"I'll be taught the fundamental powers of a night watchman by tomorrow," Liuping asserted.

— The bartender mentioned that he had three specialized skills waiting for him, to be bestowed tomorrow.

By now, Liuping had surveyed those gathered around the table, but eventually, his gaze settled on the middle-aged man—

It seemed evident that he was the leader of the nights watch.

"Those are just basic skills," the middle-aged man remarked, taking a sip from his glass and shaking his head. "For this drink, I'll give you some advice—"

"If you want to live, don't rely solely on basic skills. You gotta use everything you got."

Indeed, this was sage advice.

In truth, Liu Ping didn't place much value on the skills of the night watchmen. Instead, he focused more on absorbing the basic knowledge of the world around him.

Basic knowledge would enable him to integrate into this era.

That was what truly mattered.

After a moment of contemplation, Liu Ping spoke earnestly, "I guess my survival instincts are rather sharp."

Five individuals sat at the table—

The tall, slender man had two revolvers holstered at his waist.

While the other two individuals didn't brandish weapons, their aura exuded a malevolent presence. Liu Ping could discern that they were seasoned veterans, capable of killing with ease.

As for the leader—

The middle-aged man habitually fidgeted with the ruby ring on his finger.

In Liu Ping's spiritual perception, the subtle fluctuations emitted by the ring resembled the magic mount's statue, hinting at a latent fire element.

The power of fire was primarily employed for destruction.

The final member of the group lingered in the shadow of the leader, virtually blending into obscurity.

"What's a good plan?" the middle-aged man inquired.

Liu Ping contemplated for a moment.

While unfamiliar with this world, there were likely similarities in combat strategies.

Perhaps there was something he could contribute to this group.

"—My expertise leans towards battlefield first aid," Liu Ping stated.

 The five people all looked at him.

   The leader put down the wine glass and asked in a slow voice: "Oh? You a healer?"

   "Yes" Liuping said.

   The person in the shadow of the leader suddenly drew a dagger and slashed it on the back of his hand.

   The blood flowed out suddenly.

   The man didn't speak, and didn't show any expressions, just stretched out his hand in front of Liu Ping Ping.

   Liuping also did not speak, waved a clear stream of water, and pressed it to the back of that person's hand.

   The wound healed.

   "It's a bit like a cultivation system ability, but I have never seen it—what kind of spell are you?" the man asked.

   "Recuperating Flesh Art," Liuping said.

Everyone was taken aback.

Upon examining the man's hand again, they noticed not only had the wound healed, but the skin appeared smoother, softer, and filled with a lively glow.

As the true disciple of Gua Saint, Liu Ping had comprehended and mastered many different techniques, even surpassing his master, and created countless unique techniques on his own.

—In his pursuit of spirit stones, he initiated the sequence.

Since Liu Ping never took on disciples, he naturally didn't pass on these techniques, keeping them confined to himself.

At this point revealing more than necessary creates more problems.

The man stared at his flawless hand, which was bleeding a moment ago "Actually, as long as you could've stopped the bleeding..."

Liu Ping interjected, "The effect of this ability is as you've witnessed. Once it's invoked, it's beyond my control."

Silence fell over the group.

The tall, slender man, with two revolvers holstered at his waist, procured a fresh cup, poured a glass of wine, and slid it toward Liu Ping.

"Thank you," Liu Ping accepted the cup and raised it to the leader. "Boss, my name is Liu Ping."

The leader appeared to smirk and murmured, "You're a sharp one kid."

He took a sip from his glass.

Liu Ping noticed a subtle shift in the atmosphere, which began to relax somewhat.

The tall, slender man clapped Liu Ping on the shoulder and inquired, "Liu Ping?"

"Yes," Liu Ping confirmed.

"I'm Old K, an exorcist" Old K introduced himself, then turned to the leader and continued.

"Boss, although he's just a kid, he should have no trouble keeping watch with us tonight," Old K suggested.

"You can have him join you tonight, but tomorrow is the end of the month. Let him rest then," the leader countered, emphasizing the importance of tomorrow.

Several individuals pondered deeply at this.

"We've been without a healer for quite some time, and there haven't been any reliable treatment options in town. He should rest tomorrow," one person interjected firmly.

"Exactly," another concurred.

Curiosity getting the better of him, Liu Ping couldn't help but inquire, "Why do I need to rest tomorrow?"

The group turned their gaze toward him collectively.

"Tomorrow marks the end of the month, which is the most dangerous day each month. You're just a kid, and you just arrived in Town. it's an unnecessary risk to put yourself in danger, wouldn't it? on top of that, you're a healer." the leader admonished sternly.

"Understood" Liu Ping acquiesced.

At the sound of the bell, several night watchmen rose from their seats, one after another.

"Once the bell tolls, the night will soon descend. Let's prepare," one of them instructed Liu Ping.

Liuping followed the group out of the bar and proceeded along the lengthy street toward the town's outskirts.

The leader directed, "Liu Ping go with Old K and Qi Lu. The rest of you stick to your assigned tasks. Now, round up all the sluggards who are still sleeping and put them to work."

"Yes!" the group chorused in unison.

As they dispersed, a thick steel wall, several meters high, began to ascend from the ground.

Encompassing the entire town, the wall gradually took shape, forming a sturdy barrier.

Liuping observed peculiar patterns etched onto the outer surface of the wall, conveying a rugged and primitive significance.

"This is a primitive totem—a relatively inexpensive method of isolation. It's commonly used in large structures to partially shield the presence of living beings," Old K explained, patting the city wall.

With a nimble leap, he ascended the wall, then turned to signal Liu Ping to follow suit.

Liuping joined them atop the wall.

"Alright, the three of us will guard this section of the wall," another night watchman declared.

This night watchman was Qi Lu, as mentioned by the leader.

He appeared robust, clad in rough, heavy iron armor, wielding a battle axe over three meters in length. His demeanor exuded honesty and integrity.

Despite his extensive experience, Liu Ping couldn't help but steal a few glances at the colossal axe.

The trio stood vigilantly atop the wall, awaiting any potential threats.

By now, the steel city wall had risen to a considerable height, from above a clear view of the wilderness stretched into the distance.

The desolate wilderness resembled a barren desert, devoid of any signs of life.

The dimly yellow sunset lingered on the horizon, casting the earth in a golden hue.

Nightfall approached.


The bell chimed once more.

"The second bell signals a five-minute break. If you need to use the facilities or grab a bite, now's the time," Old K announced.

"I'm all set," Liu Ping confirmed.

"I just hope we won't encounter any troublemakers tonight," Qi Lu muttered, a hint of resignation in his tone.

A solemn silence enveloped the group.

Old K leaned against the wall, producing a small bottle, uncorking it, and taking a few sips.

Meanwhile, Liu Ping gazed wistfully at the horizon, seemingly lost in reminiscence.

Observing the pair, Qi Lu drove the battle axe into the ground and retrieved a whetstone, meticulously sharpening the blade.

As the sunset gradually descended, darkness swiftly enveloped the sky.

"It's getting dark too fast," Liu Ping remarked with a tinge of emotion.

"Of course, we're in the realm of death now," Qi Lu replied matter-of-factly.

Before Liu Ping could respond, a string of small text suddenly appeared in the void:


[Space has shifted, and the realm of death has merged with our current world.]

[A highly unusual law governs both realms.]

[Everything is subject to the law of the realm: the 'propagation of death'.]

[Explanation: The entire world is now enveloped by the realm of death. It's advisable to remain within the confines of the town, as venturing out may result in being ensnared by the 'propagation of death' and unable to return.]

As Liu Ping finished reading, the clanging of Old K's voice echoed in his ear:

"Remember, do not venture beyond the town's limits. You may not be able to return until dawn."

Liu Ping stepped back and affirmed, "Understood. I'll stay close to you."

Old K and Qi Lu nodded in agreement.

As a newcomer, and one with a profession in training at that, it would be foolish for Liu Ping to rush ahead.

The trio maintained their post on the wall, quietly awaiting the passage of the long night.

In the wilderness below, all was still and lifeless, devoid of any activity.

Initially, nothing of note occurred.

Liu Ping occasionally glanced at Old K and Qi Lu, who remained steadfast and alert throughout.

Time elapsed.

An hour passed by.

Growing increasingly bored, Liu Ping suddenly felt a twinge in his heart.

Simultaneously, Qi Lu strode to the forefront of the city wall, positioning his tomahawk defensively before him.

"Did you see it?" he whispered, his voice lowered.

"I saw it," Old K whispered in response.

Drawing a revolver from his side holster, Old K aimed it towards the shadowy depths.

Liu Ping followed the direction of the gun.

Several hundred meters away from the city wall, a woman materialized on the ground.

Her features were indiscernible, obscured by the darkness, and she wore a flowing off-white dress as she meandered through the wilderness.

She was headed toward the town. Without any unforeseen circumstances, she would pass by the town.

The night grew denser.

In such darkness, visibility beyond a few meters became nearly impossible.

However, thanks to the night watchmen's professional talent of "dark insight," Old K and Qi Lu were able to monitor the woman's movements throughout.

Time dragged on slowly.

Seventeen or eighteen minutes later, the woman vanished from the sight of the trio, disappearing into the darkness.

Liu Ping exhaled a sigh of relief but noticed Old K and Qi Lu maintaining their vigilant postures as if the woman had never left.

Several more minutes passed.

Unexpectedly, the woman reappeared within the trio's field of vision.

This time, her trajectory veered slightly, bringing her closer to Dark Mist Town.

Dozens of minutes later, the woman vanished once more from their sight.

Time dragged on slowly.

Yet, the woman did not resurface.

It wasn't until two-quarters of an hour had passed that Old K and Qi Lu relaxed their stances slightly.

"What was that woman doing just now?" Liu Ping inquired.

"I don't know," Old K replied.

"Is she human?" Liu Ping pressed.

"I don't know," Qi Lu echoed.

Old K and Qi Lu exchanged glances, both sharing a sense of helplessness.

"Since we don't know, we can't afford to be careless," Qi Lu remarked with a hint of uncertainty.

"It could be a creature from the realm of death—there are countless such beings, many of which we may not recognize. Alternatively, it might simply be a regular dead. There's no way to be certain."

"The fact that it appeared twice suggests that our sudden appearance of Dark Mist Town in the realm of death might have drawn its attention, prompting its return," Old K suggested.

In the next instant, the trio collectively turned their attention towards the darkness beyond the city wall.

There, a figure materialized once more in the distance, hundreds of meters away.

It was the same woman.

Clad in a gray and white garment, she stood alone amidst the dark expanse, her gaze fixed upon Dark Mist Town with an air of bewilderment.

For a moment, the woman seemed to ponder something, her expression gradually morphing into one of perplexity.

"There's... something... peculiar..." she murmured.

She murmured, her steps faltering as she advanced.

—She's heading towards Dark Mist Town!

One foot in front of the other, she pressed on, despite her unsteady gait, drawing nearer and nearer to the wall where the trio stood watch.

As she approached, the woman's countenance underwent a subtle transformation.

Her features grew more alluring, captivating even.

Old K withdrew his revolver from the city wall, while Qi Lu slowly hoisted his battle axe.

"Liu Ping," Old K called out in a hushed tone.

"I'm here," Liu Ping responded.

"Hide!" Old K instructed.

With his words barely uttered, the woman had already arrived at the city wall.

The woman lifted her gaze towards the city wall.

"No matter who you are, leave this place at once, or we will be forced to take action," Old K warned sternly.

The woman remained silent, listening intently.

After a few moments, a peculiar gleam flickered across her visage.

"It's... the voices... the voices of the living..." she murmured.

As her utterance trailed off, the woman's eyes began to transform, morphing into vertical slits, while her form ascended into the air, causing the ground beneath her to crumble, unveiling her true colossal stature.