A Double Barrel Evil Blasting Shot Gun!!!!

In the realm of cultivation, even if one is taught techniques, one still needs personal practice to truly master them.

But this—

Look at firearms for example.

They are completely new to me. Although I learned how to use them last night, through this profssion skill , I gained a deeper understanding of firearms and weaponry, even acquiring some shooting skills directly without practicing!

This is quite shocking!.

Apart from firearms and general knowledge, I have no interest in the other two skills whatsoever.

—The secret skills I possess are far more potent than these skills!

The bartender cut off his train of thought "You've obtained the three fundamental abilities of a night's watchmen, along with some of your existing skills. That should suffice for now."

"Thank you very much" Liu Ping said.

"Keep your ID card—do you have anything else that you'd like to redeem?" the bartender asked.

Liu Ping fell into thought.

Through the magic just now, he learned common knowledge of the world.

Spirit stones—

He has accumulated a lifetime worth of it. Is circulated in the current world. Because it comes from the world of death, the value of spirit stones is higher than ordinary currency.

It's not smart to show my wealth yet, having an official status is enough temporarely.

If I need money, I'll use the gold coins i got today.

Old K patted the table and said loudly: "The kid is here to buy something from you."

"Good harvest last night?" The bartender laughed.

"You could say that" Liu Ping also smiled.

"Take out the good weapons. Also some defensive measures are necessary for him too" Old K said.

"What's your budget?" the bartender asked.

Liu Ping gently placed the bag of gold coins on the table and pushed it in front of the bartender.

Seeing how he took out all the money he had earned, Old K said with emotion "You should save some money for the future."

Liu Ping replied, "Survival comes first."

The bartender smiled and gave Liu a flat thumbs-up.

In the corner not far away, the leader of the nights watch also nodded slightly.

The bartender picked up the bag of gold coins, held it in his hand, and asked, "What kind of weapon do you want?"

"Anything, just show me a few samples" Liu Ping said.

The bartender retrieved a few items from under the counter and placed them in front of Liu Ping.

A Sword.

A Gun.

A piece of wood carved with beautiful lines.

Liu Ping gazed at the wood, his mind filled with questions.

"A peace of wood?" Liu Ping inquired.

The bartender nodded and replied, "Yes, this piece of wood is quite special. It's a magic wand made of oak soaked in holy water, blessed by a great wizard."

Liu Ping examined the wood closely and then turned to the bartender, saying, "I'm not very knowledgeable about these things. Could you please tell me more about it?"

The bartender obliged, explaining, "Sure. This sword is for cultivation, sharp and durable. The Gun is atechnological creation, similar to the one you have, but more powerful. And this magic wand, as I mentioned, is made with special materials and blessings."

Liu Ping picked up the sword, observing it However, He hesitated. Was it worth spending all his gold coins on a seemingly ordinary sword?

Thinking the sword might have piqued his interest the bartender explained, "Although it may appear ordinary, there could be hidden opportunities or information within it. Cultivation items tend to be valued because of the many hidden Cultivation realms that exist in the world. This sword might prove useful in certain situations."

Old K nodded "Indeed, someone bought a seemingly ordinary copper coin, only to find out it was a Formation coin worth a small fortune."

"How much for the sword?" the Old K inquired.

The bartender responded, "Ten spiritual stones."

The Old K exclaimed "That's quite a sum!"

Liu Ping, intrigued, then asked, "What are spiritual stones?"

"A very valuable currency exchanged in the world" Old K explained.

"If someone finds a spiritual stone they won't have to worry about living in leisure for quite a while" added the bartender.

Liu Ping listened attentively, then expressionlessly set down the long sword, examined the gun, and finally returned to the wand.

After a moment of contemplation, he made his decision.

"I want this gun" Liu Ping stated firmly.

"Are you sure?" the bartender double-checked.

"I'm sure" Liu Ping confirmed.

"Alright, it's quite a decent gun. I'll throw in two more boxes of regular bullets and a box of sacred bullets for you" the bartender agreed.

The bartender retrieved three small boxes and handed them to Liu Ping along with the gun.

Taking out the gun, suddenly, a description of the weapon appeared in his mind:

"Blood-stained double-barreled shotgun."

"Capacity: 2 rounds."

"This is a vintage shotgun imbued with sacred power. It's designed to deal with werewolves, infected, and specters."

"—You know how to use it, but remember to handle it safely."

After stowing the gun away, Liu Ping returned to the deck with Old K and took a seat.

The leader examined the double-barreled shotgun in Liu Ping's hand and expressed satisfaction. "It's a good gun. It should be more than enough for your self-defense. But there's one thing you must remember—"

"What's that?" Liu Ping inquired.

"If firearms aren't your specialty and are unfamiliar to you, treat them as self-defense methods, and focus on enhancing your strength as soon as possible" the leader advised.

"I understand. Thank you, boss," Liu Ping replied sincerely.

Indeed, as a practitioner, firearms are foreign to me.

But there is a reason why I'm using a gun

It simplifies matters by fooling others. This way they won't think of me as a cultivator, after all with only a Qi refining cultivation base I won't be able to protect myself.

Seeing Liu Ping receptive to his advice, the leader felt a sense of satisfaction.

A rational learner like him is truly worth investing in.

"Today is the end of the month, and tonight will likely be more perilous than usual. Old K, take him to the safe house. Let him have a peaceful rest tonight. Tomorrow, we can start his training gradually" the leader instructed.

"Indeed" another member agreed.

Everyone agreed on this decision made by Boss.

"Got it," Old K affirmed as he gestured for Liu Ping to follow.

Though Liu Ping didn't fully grasp the situation, he understood that these people were considering his well-being.

There's no guarantee of avoiding injury in battle.

And healers are highly sought after even in the world of Cultivation.

As gleaned from the newly acquired knowledge, healers are a rare profession in this era.

As for Liu Ping—

Setting aside healing arts, someone with the potential to master any skill he sets his mind to, whether it's swordsmanship, the six arts, secret techniques, or anything else is truly worthy of being a disciple of Gua Saint!

Liu Ping remained seated, hesitantly mentioning, "Tonight, that little girl might return."

The leader replied, "Can you handle her if she does?"

"—Of course not."

With that, Liu Ping rose and exited the bar with Old K.

"What's a safe house?" he asked.

"It's the only hidden refuge in town, it's well-hidden from monsters" Old K explained.

He then patted Liu Ping on the shoulder and said, "You saved me last night. Let's go. I'll treat you to something good."

"Let's not be formal" Liu Ping responded.

"Let's go then" Old K insisted.

He led Liu Ping toward a restaurant on the street.


The bar was now empty.

The bartender stood behind the counter, wiping a glass, and asked, "Didn't you go for breakfast? Why are you back again?"

"Because there's something I want to ask you" Liu Ping replied truthfully.

"as long as it's not sensitive information I can answer because of your help last night" the bartender assured.

"Can I leave town and go to the world of death during the day As a night's watchman ?" Liu Ping inquired.

"Of course, but the world of death is full of danger. There are remains of others who have traveled there. If you do go, stick close to those remains, it is usually safer" the bartender advised.

"Got it. I'm short on money and need to keep scavenging" Liu Ping said.

The bartender glanced at him, then, after a moment of thought, he retrieved a card from under the counter and slid it over to Liu Ping.

Examining the card, Liu Ping saw a series of numbers: "0371".

As he looked at the card, an additional line of text appeared in the void of the website he was browsing:

"0371 Boundary Monument Pass."

Understanding dawned on Liu Ping as he pocketed the card and said, "Thank you."

"If you find anything of value, remember to sell it to me first" the bartender reminded.

"Sure thing."

"Enter from the 0371 boundary monument, but be sure to return before nightfall" the bartender cautioned.

"Got it. I'll buy you a drink when I get back," Liu Ping promised, then turned and left the bar.

He retraced his steps through the wilderness, returning to the desert where the black machine awaited.

A beam of light emitted from the black machine and scanned over him.

"As the Dark Mist Town Night's Watchman, do you require passage to the world of death?" the machine inquired.

"Yes" Liu Ping confirmed.

"Please show your pass" the machine requested.

Liuping placed the card in front of the machine.

Suddenly, the machine unfolded, transforming into two massive doors.

Outside the doors lay a sunny morning, while inside lay a deep and dark night.

Liuping stepped through.

"Remember to return before nightfall to protect Dark Mist Town. Good luck!" the machine buzzed.

Liuping glanced back and saw the two steel gates slowly retracting, morphing back into the black machine resembling a boundary marker, standing atop the sand dune.

For Cultivators, traveling between these two realms required significant power. Yet, this technology-enabled machine allowed even those with no abilities to cross.

Technology indeed possesses its advantages.

"Understood. I'll be back before nightfall" Liuping affirmed.