
The bartender presented the card, waving it before Liu Ping and declaring, "This is your leader's secondary card. With it, your leader can be resurrected."

Liu Ping's gaze darted, swiftly locating the card amidst the many others:

"Nights watchmen, Old K, exorcist."

Old K, despite clearly being shot in the head, appeared able to resurrect here. 

"Can everyone be resurrected again?" Liu Ping inquired.

"Are you kidding? These dozen graveyard cards cost the company a lot of resources to accumulate. Not even one more card remains" the bartender replied.

"Then why only resurrect the Nights Watchmen?"

"Dark Mist Town is the frontline, and the Nights Watchmen are its warriors combating the eternal night. Training them is extremely difficult. We must ensure that the Nights Watch team isn't entirely wiped out and can continue defending this place" the bartender explained, tossing the card in his hand.


The card gleamed, transforming into a figure tumbling to the ground.

Leader of the Night Watch—Karador!

He ran his hand over his disheveled hair, donned the gray hat, and spoke wearily, "Old K can't return."

"Why?" The bartender rushed to retrieve Old K's card.

"He's infected. If he doesn't recover from that state, he'll transform into a monster, and his soul won't return to the card" Karador explained.

The bartender discarded the card.


Old K sprang up from the ground with a whoosh, embracing Liu Ping and crying out loudly "Thank you for ending me, thank you!"

"Did you... kill him?" Karador asked, surprised.

"—He begged for it" Liu Ping shrugged.

"How did you kill him?" Karador inquired.

"A headshot."

"Thankfully. Otherwise, he wouldn't have been able to resurrect" Karador murmured.

The bartender glanced at the group and remarked, "You already have a mage, an exorcist, and a healer. I'll find someone to be your frontline."

He plucked another card from the wall.

On it, were inscribed the words: "Night Watcher, Alger, Shield Knight."


A sturdy man clad in battered armor rose from the ground.

"Damn, my shield just broke" he sighed.

Several among the group felt a tinge of dejection.

Liu Ping grinned, finding the situation rather amusing.

A Card Master!

He'd never heard of such a profession capable of resurrecting others in such a remarkable manner.

He could still learn the Divination techniques. If he could become a Card Master, and then master the abilities and skills of one—

Suddenly, a line of small words appeared in the void:

[Do you want to become a Card Master?]

'Huh? The sequence actually initiated a conversation?!'

"Yes, being a Card Master seems intriguing" Liu Ping silently responded in his mind.

[Your current cultivation level isn't sufficient to withstand the power of the spirits, unless you come across an opportunity to become a Card Master someday.]

"What kind of opportunity?" Liu Ping asked.

 [I haven't found it yet. But when I do, I'll inform you immediately.]

"That's the same as saying nothing" Liu Ping retorted, dissatisfied.

 [Increase your cultivation first.]

Liu Ping glanced at it, pondering various thoughts.

Interrupting his thoughts, the bartender tapped the table and said, "I'm drained. Could you help me? I need to get some rest. Otherwise, I'll be too tired to be able to join the battle tonight."

"Of course" Liu Ping replied.

Old K and Alger stepped forward, supporting the bartender on each side as they headed towards the back room.

Without looking back, the bartender instructed, "S0005 robot, clean the floor."

The robot disconnected the plug, reattached it to its waist, flexed its limbs, and declared, "You guys rest here. I'll have this town rebuilt before noon."

It moved towards the ruins outside the bar, ejecting densely packed small black boxes from its body, which expanded upon hitting the ground, forming various mechanical vehicles.

Liu Ping observed with keen interest until the leader approached and patted him on the shoulder, saying, "Come with me."

"Okay," Liu Ping agreed, following him to the edge of the dark mist and standing before a collapsed house.

"This is my residence" Karadur explained.

He delved into the ruins, rummaging among them and extracting dusty items one after another. As those peculiar items were unearthed, the ring on Karadur's hand glowed, causing the items to vanish.

"Boss, do you need help finding something?" Liu Ping offered.

"No—it should be here. just wait a bit" Karadur replied.

After some time, Karadur returned to Liu Ping and expressed his concern "The monsters in the eternal night seem to be growing more aggressive. I fear this might happen again."

"With everyone having resurrection cards, shouldn't we be fine?" Liu Ping suggested.

"You might not understand. Resurrection cards require substantial resources. Each person can only use them once a year" Karadu explained.

Liu Ping remained silent.

"If we die again, our souls will be consumed by the eternal night, turning us into the dead or worse, monsters within it" Karadur reiterated.

"Boss, it seems we must find a solution instead of merely awaiting our fate" Liu Ping suggested.

"Indeed. Discovering why the monsters are growing more aggressive and defending Dark Mist Town tonight is crucial" Karadur affirmed.

"Boss, do you think just us are enough?" Liu Ping questioned, raising his hands in uncertainty.

"Don't fret. Today marks the beginning of the month, and the realm of death tends to be relatively tranquil. The monsters won't be as formidable as last night" Karadur reassured.

Karadur then turned to Liu Ping, asking, "Have you ever ventured into the tomb? The one with the two practitioners?"

"I've only scavenged in the desert; I've never entered any tombs," Liu Ping recalled the instructions he was given before parting with the Zhao Chanyi and Hong Tao.

"Excellent" Karadur remarked.

He rubbed his ring, withdrew a Token and a slim card, and placed them into Liu Ping's hand.

Liu Ping inspected the Token but found it blank.

Suddenly, lines of small, glowing texts swiftly materialized in the void:

[You have acquired a token that conceals Space-Time: Token of Death.]

[This item has been examined, and its properties are akin to a space-time anchor.]

[When within the tomb, you can utilize this object to immediately access a corresponding concealed Space-Time.]

Karadur passed him the token, explained its purpose, then retrieved the card and presented it before Liu Ping's eyes.

"You should have this card. It's my most valuable possession. Under normal circumstances, I wouldn't bring it out" Karadur declared solemnly.

Liu Ping inspected the card—a green one adorned with a perpetually rotating vortex.

Karadu continued earnestly "Return card—"

"This is a consumable card that can be used by anyone who has it" Karadur explained.

"You can use it, and it will instantly transport you out of the realm of death and back to Dark Mist Town."

Liu Ping's expression turned serious. Having faced numerous dangers before returning to the world of the living, he understood the immense value of this card.

"I'll use it wisely" Liu Ping affirmed.

"Well, coming from the wilderness and working as a scavenger in the realm of death, you're a resourceful individual adept at combat and healing. I hope you can bring us good fortune" Karadu sighed.

"How much time do we have to find the truth?" Liu Ping inquired.

"Before sundown" Karadu replied.

Ten minutes later, a massive door loomed at the edge of the darkness-covered world.

Karadur placed his hand on the door and intoned "In the name of one who has never crossed over, open the path to the realm of death."

With a rumble, the door parted ways.

"Remember, only the Initial Curtain is safe. You'll encounter some cultivators there—speak to them to find the truth about the events of last night" Karadur instructed.

"Will they assist me?" Liu Ping queried.

"Absolutely. With your token, they'll regard you as one of their own. They might even involve you in the world's storyline later on" Karadur assured.

"What about you?" Liu Ping pressed.

"I've already departed from the initial scene. Returning would raise suspicion among the dead, so I've headed directly to another scene" Karadur explained.

Together, they conversed as they entered the dark doorway.

And then, the door sealed shut once more.



It enveloped everything.

Liu Ping blinked open his eyes, rising from the stretcher.

Before him lay a makeshift barracks, with severely wounded cultivators sprawled across high and low stretchers, occasionally emitting pained groans.

He returned to the Graveyard.

'Interesting. Do I have to start over?'

"Are there still monsters tracking me this time as well?" Liu Ping pondered silently.

Suddenly, the token on his waist floated gently in the air, dispersing into countless light spots before vanishing completely.

Several lines of small text swiftly materialized in the void:

[The 'Token of Death' has been activated, granting you some form of temporary identity.]

[You can plausibly appear in the current scene.]

[This sequence has never seen such a situation.]

[Let's observe what unfolds next.]

The small characters dissipated into the void.

Shortly after, the door to the barracks swung open, and a peculiar practitioner walked in.

"Fellow Daoist, you appear to be recovering quite nicely" the practitioner remarked, smiling at Liu Ping.