A Match Between Rankings


'It's been a while since we've been out' I thought to myself as I sat in the passenger seat as my dad drove us to a stadium. The last time we came out like this was on my birthday which happened back in March when I turned twelve.

Today was a very important day for dedicated tennis fans as there will be a match between the Pro men's rankings. Apparently, someone promising is going to challenge one of the top five today.

The rankings ranged from one to ten, but the positions from six to ten often fluctuated, so they weren't given as much attention. However, the same can't be said for the top five.

 After Sean retired there was a lot of competition for the number one spot and the one who came out on top at the time was Chris Dames. The rankings were then updated to-

1-Chris Dames

2-Grey Thomas

3-Chase Brown

4-Nathan Reins

5-Anthony Reins

In the eight years since Sean retired, the top five rankings remained unchanged. To enter the top five, one must first challenge the fifth-ranked player, and only then can they challenge the other ranks. Many have attempted to challenge Anthony, the fifth-ranked player, but none have succeeded. Anthony has become a formidable wall preventing others from entering the top five ranks.

Yet somehow people think this time will be different than before since the person challenging him was the previous reigning ranked one at the tennis academy for three years straight and after leaving the academy he beat the previous ranked six easily as soon as he beat the ranked ten. So this match is a really anticipated match.

We finally reached the stadium and from the outside, it was really big.

 The outside of the big stadium was a large complex with various entrances and ticket booths, filled with long lines of people waiting to enter. It was very large and imposing, with high ceilings and walls that reached up to several stories high.

Many people were walking to the stadium, as well as vendors and food trucks set up outside selling snacks and beverages. A lot of security guards were patrolling the area and keeping an eye out for any potential trouble that might arise during the event.

After gawking at the stadium while Dad parks we got out and as we started walking towards the stadium entrance the excited fans who were standing in line turned their attention towards us and soon the place became quiet.

Taking advantage of the speechless crowd Dad took my hand and led us to one of the security guards who soon led us to a reserved VIP room that was already starting to fill up.

The inside of the room was spacious and inviting, with long tables full of various snacks and refreshments, and comfortable sofas and chairs throughout the area. A large balcony extended from one end of the room, which had a breathtaking view of the tennis court below. The balcony overlooked the regular bleachers that also surrounded the court, allowing for a nice high view of the game.

"Oh look who it is" Chris who saw us enter stood up and had the same mischievous smile he always had as he walked up to us.

I narrowed my eyes at him and looked at him annoyed as he just started pulling on my cheek.

"Staaawwp" I tried to say as he just looked down at me with a smirk.

"And why should I after that little stunt you did a few weeks ago." He added.

"It was an accident I swear!!" I tried to retort but he wasn't having it.

"An accident? So you're telling me, having twenty different women to come to my house claiming I wanted some fun while my WIFE was there was an accident.?" He said squeezing my cheek even harder.

"Ow! That hurts Chriiisss it wasn't my fault!" I said and then pointed at my Dad. "He told me to do it as payback for the stories you told me about him!" I added to which Dad looked at me as if he had just been betrayed. 

With the new information, Chris let go of me and then turned his attention towards Sean. I took this chance to walk past them and walked away from them. I went to sit on one of the couches and Chris and Sean started arguing. 

"Oh, Erin" Grey spoke as he walked towards me with his arm around a woman.

'Another one already?' I questioned in my head as the two made their way to me.

"Hey Grey," I said and looked over to the woman standing next to him. The woman had blonde hair that went down to her waist, black eyes, and rosy pink lips. She was wearing a long black dress with white heels.

The look she had when looking at me was one of disdain. After living with Sean for two years now and meeting different people who don't care for my appearance this took me by surprise but it did nothing as I learned to not care for the look as much as I did when I was younger.

Noticing my look at the woman grey introduced us to each other. "Oh uh this is my girlfriend, Natalie, Natalie this is Sean's son, Erin."He said. When Natalie heard this her eyes flickered and then changed to more inviting ones.

'Ah no wonder, she's a golddigger' I thought to myself as she started smiling more and reached her hand out.

"Oh your infamous Erin Ryan's I've heard so much about," She said to which I looked at her hand and then back at her eyes.

"Nice to meet you" I replied to her as she stood there with her hand out. Realizing that I wasn't going to shake it she pulled it back and stood there with the same smile on her face.

The silence became more pronounced as Grey looked between the two of us but before he could say anything someone else joined in and started playing with my hair.

"Oh, are you two bullying my little Erin" The person said as he stood behind my chair.

'You have to be kidding me…' I thought as this continued for a while.

"Nathan you made it!" Grey said as he let out a sigh of relief.

"Of course, I did, how could I miss my own little brother's match," Nathan said with a smile.

I turned my head to him and swatted his hand away to which he ended up flicking my forehead and sat next to me.

'He's so annoying!' I thought while looking at him.

Nathan Reins, Anthony's older brother. Compared to Anthony he's more playful and annoying. I met him on my surprise birthday dad decided to host for me. Since then he would play little pranks on me daily. 

'I should put his information on one of the dating websites Dad told me about. He even has a girlfriend so that makes it even better, maybe then-' 

"You cheeky brat are you plotting something over there" Nathan started poking my cheek again while I was in the middle of plotting out a plan.

Seeing how I was being annoyed by Nathan Grey and his "girlfriend" left me and I swear I could see a smirk on that woman's face.

'She probably thinks she has him wrapped around her finger as well. Ah, I can't wait when she realizes otherwise.'I thought as a smirk started growing only my face but faded as Nathan started pulling on my cheek again.

"Erinn are you going to keep on ignoring me?" he said to which I looked away again annoyed.

'One day' I thought while Nathan kept poking my cheek repeatedly. 

After a while the last person joined and it was the Third rank-Chase Brown. Compared to the rest of the ranks

I hate him. I wish the worst for him but of course, I can't say that out loud.