Chapter 295 Shameless Resort to Violence (3)_1

With her current capabilities, she couldn't do much more, but it was still possible to steam a bucket of rice and send it out every day.

Mo Qingze and Lizhong nodded repeatedly, also saying it was a good idea.

Looking at the white stubble and deep wrinkles on Lizhong's face, Mo Yan said, "Grandfather Li, the store will be quite busy these next few days, and we don't have enough hands at home. Xin'er Yannzi and I can lend a hand, but if it goes on for too long, we'll still need to hire people. This isn't just about greeting customers but also helping them carry grain and restocking. I think we need at least two people to help, what do you think?"

Lizhong thought for a moment before saying, "Just find one for now, it's the same if we hire another once the business picks up."

The store had just started its operation, and it was important to save where possible; after all, two people would just mean being a little busier, and it wasn't a big deal.