Chapter 339: A Narrow Escape Leads to an Unplanned Mother-Son Reunion (1)_1

After Mo Wu left, Mo Yan found a two-meter long wooden stick before heading toward the fields.

The depression where the spring was uncovered was located in the southeast, approximately three miles away from the Mo Family's home. Although it was within the boundaries of Liu Yang Village, there were no cultivated lands from Liu Yang Village nearby. Moreover, with the uneven terrain, the roads were difficult to navigate. Once the wasteland was developed, they would need to build another road. Otherwise, even if the seeds were sown, it would be challenging to bring the harvest back.

A light rain had fallen last night, making the ground somewhat slippery. Mo Yan had slipped several times but luckily had the wooden stick for support, so she didn't end up covered in mud. Even so, it took her nearly half an hour to cover the three-mile distance, with her feet becoming caked in mud.

"Little boss, you're here."