Chapter 499: Disdain (2)_1

At Jingshan Villa, Xiao Ruiyuan had a temporary residence where he would often rest if he was unable to return to Jing City in time after discussing urgent matters with Chu Heng.

Now that night had fallen, coming out from Doctor Gui's house, Xiao Ruiyuan went straight back to his quarters without going to the back courtyard to find Chu Heng. He also didn't plan to tell him about what happened tonight, lest it stirred up unnecessary worries.

At this moment, Xiao Ruiyuan was seated motionlessly in front of the desk, staring at the ginseng box atop it, feeling not the slightest bit of drowsiness. Under the flickering candlelight, his face revealed an indescribable weariness.

Chu Heng's life was left with less than a year, and the ministers in the Central Plains who originally supported legitimacy witnessed his hopeless recovery and gradually harbored other intentions, who wouldn't want the huge benefits brought by Merit of the Dragon?