Chapter 8 A Well-Intentioned Lie_1

Yang Chengbin, who had long been drooling with anticipation, ran to Old Master Yang and said, "Grandpa, at noon Jiujiu personally cooked the fish, and it smelled so delicious."

Madam Yang Zhou smiled and joined in, "Jiujiu and the others also caught a few wild hares and hare kits, saying we're going to cook the hares for dinner tonight and keep the kits to raise."

"Oh?" A flicker of surprise crossed Old Master Yang's eyes, "It seems we're in for a treat today."

Yang Chaowu and the others also agreed with gleeful laughter.

"Grandpa, Great-aunt, Second Uncle, Mom and Dad, all three brothers, you've come back just in time, dinner is ready, you can start eating after washing up," Yang Mengchen said, carrying a basin of warm water out from the kitchen.

Yang Chengrong hurriedly stepped forward to take the wooden basin, "Jiujiu, you've just recovered, let the brothers handle these tasks." Then he placed the basin on a stone stool in the courtyard and wrung out a cloth for Grandpa.

Yang Mengchen smiled, turned back to the kitchen, and brought out two large bowls filled with fish meat to deliver to the neighbors in the houses next door; she served another bowl for Great-uncle. Yang Chengyou and Yang Chengyu had also returned, helping carry the dishes into the main room, where the family split into two tables.

Yang Mengchen placed two large pieces of fish into the elders' bowls, "Grandpa and Grandma, taste and see how Jiujiu's cooking skills are."

"Very good, very good!" Even before tasting, Old Master Yang and Madam Yang Zhou were already smiling from ear to ear. The quality of the meal aside, just seeing their granddaughter's filial piety made them very happy. They both picked up a piece of fish for her as well, "Jiujiu, you eat more too."

After tasting a piece of fish, Yang Chaowu praised endlessly, "No matter how it was cooked before, the fish always had a trace of fishiness, but the fish Jiujiu has made is fragrant, smooth, fresh, and tender, with a clear broth and rich flavor. It's really delicious!"

"I've never had fish this delicious before," Yang Chaoyi said after tasting his daughter's cooking for the first time, feeling a delightful bubbling joy.

Wu Xuehua said with a beaming smile, "Our Jiujiu is clever and capable, of course, the food she makes is delicious."

The others nodded their heads in agreement.

Yang Mengchen smiled, "I'll cook for you every day from now on."

From her childhood until the moment of her death, she had always cooked for herself. Later, she even learned to make famous dishes from around the world from the chefs at her owned restaurants, and whenever she traveled somewhere new, she would also learn to cook the local specialty dishes. Once the family's circumstances improved, she would make them for her family, one by one.

"Cooking is fine, but don't wear yourself out, Grandma cares about you," Madam Yang Zhou cautioned.

Yang Mengchen felt infinitely touched, "Don't worry, Grandma, I won't tire myself out." She was willing to do anything for her beloved family.

The family enjoyed a harmonious and joyful lunch together.

Old Master Yang and the others went to the fields.

During the fine weather, Yang Mengchen taught her five brothers how to sort herbs at home. They learned very seriously, especially Yang Cheng'an, who was utterly engrossed, constantly asking various questions. Yang Mengchen was eager to train Cheng'an and thus taught him with extra care and detail.

"Jiujiu, Jiujiu," Yang Chunling's voice suddenly came from outside the courtyard.

Yang Mengchen put down the herbs she was drying; Aunty Zhuzi and Yang Chunling often visited her during this time. Yang Chunling, three years her senior, was graceful, simple, and lively.

Yang Chengbin ran to open the courtyard door.

Yang Chunling walked in with Yang Tiezhu, who still had a limp. Yang Chunling was carrying a basket with a cloth covering it.

"Sister Chunling, Brother Tie Zhu, you're here," Yang Mengchen said, standing with a smile.

Fourth Brother said, after the incident, Uncle Changsheng beat Yang Tiezhu until he was battered and bruised. Aunty Zhuzi didn't stop it, and it wasn't until Second Uncle and Fourth Brother arrived and clung to Uncle Changsheng that they prevented a fatality. Then they had Doctor Li treat Yang Tiezhu, and he had been bedridden ever since, recuperating. This must be his first time stepping out.

As for the three taels of silver and eggs that Aunty Zhuzi quietly left behind that day, the Yang family discovered them and insisted on returning them.

Yang Chunling greeted the Yang family members warmly.

The Yang family members politely returned the greeting.

Dragging Yang Tiezhu to Yang Mengchen, Yang Chunling stuffed the basket she was carrying into her hands, "Jiujiu, these are tangerines from my grandma's home, for you." Then she elbowed Yang Tiezhu, "Eighth Brother, didn't you come to apologize to Jiujiu?"

"Jiu, Jiujiu, that day, it was my, my fault, I shouldn't have scared you, causing, causing you to fall from the tree, I'm, I'm sorry!" Eleven-year-old Yang Tiezhu stuttered out an apology while bowing, looking embarrassed and at a loss.

"I've long forgotten about it, Brother Tiezhu, you should forget it too." Yang Mengchen handed the basket back to Yang Chunling, "Take these tangerines back with you."

"These tangerines are for you to taste, how could we take them back?" Yang Chunling refused.


"Jiujiu." Yang Mengchen wanted to say more when Madam Yang Zhou suddenly spoke up, "Chunling and her brother have good intentions, you should accept it."

Seeing the meaningful look in Madam Yang Zhou's eyes and the guilt-ridden insistence of Chunling and her brother, Yang Mengchen nodded.

Relieved to see Yang Mengchen accept, Yang Chunling let out a breath, "The fish at lunch was really delicious, how did you make it? Can you teach me?"

"I just added some seasonings." Yang Mengchen taught her the method.

The uninterested Yang Tiezhu, limping on his foot, went over to Yang Chengyou and the others, and upon seeing what they were arranging, he couldn't help but express doubt, "You didn't just gather these herbs from the mountains, did you? They can't be eaten."

"They're not just herbs, these are medicinal plants, and we..."

"We're doing this to save money." Interrupting Yang Chengbin promptly, Yang Mengchen explained, "Doctor Luo said I need to recuperate well due to my weak constitution, but as you know, purchasing medicine costs a lot of money. Seeing our family's difficulty, Doctor Luo taught us to forage for medicinal herbs from the mountain listed in prescriptions, and to buy what we can't find at an apothecary. This way, we can save quite a bit of money. However, we don't really understand much and are just trying to see how it goes."

The Yang family members nodded unanimously.

Not suspecting a thing, Yang Chunling and her brother said, "Indeed, that's a good way to save money. Doctor Luo is truly a good person." Then they even helped arrange the medicinal plants.

As soon as Yang Chunling and her brother left, Yang Chengbin couldn't help saying, "Jiujiu, why did you deceive them?"

"I didn't deceive them, this is just a white lie." Yang Mengchen said earnestly, "Firstly, we can't be sure if we can make money from these herbs. The apothecaries are strict when buying, and if we tell them we couldn't sell the herbs, what then? Secondly, the mountains have many wild beasts, what if they get into trouble? Thirdly, no matter how many herbs there are, there will come a day when they are all picked, then what?"

After pondering for a moment, Yang Chengyou spoke up, "Jiujiu is right, we need to think things through thoroughly in case our good intentions lead to disastrous results."

"Jiujiu, I'm sorry, I was wrong to blame you," Yang Chengbin apologized sincerely.

Yang Mengchen dismissively waved off the apology.

In the evening, Yang Mengchen prepared four stewed rabbits with radishes, egg pancakes, and stir-fried wild greens, providing the whole family with a full meal.

At the dinner table, Yang Mengchen asked her eldest brother to join them on the mountain the next day.

Old Master Yang agreed without a second thought, as they already knew Jiujiu was teaching medical knowledge to the brothers. Besides, there wasn't much work in the fields, so it wouldn't matter if Chengrong didn't go.