Chapter 15 Plan_1

Old Master Yang and the others finished work early today and were all in the yard making furniture with Yang Chaowen when they heard the sound of carriage wheels outside. They stopped their work and looked towards the gate.

Meanwhile, Yang Chengyu ran to open the door.

Seeing several grandchildren returning by carriage, filled with all sorts of goods, everyone was taken aback.

Old Master Yang opened his mouth as if to say something but held back when he caught his granddaughter's meaningful glance.

Yang Chaoyi and the others began unloading the goods into the house, and upon hearing the commotion, Yang Changsheng's family and Zhou Daming's family also came over to help.

After they finished unloading, Yang Mengchen gave the attendant ten wen money as a tip and sent him on his way.

"Jiujiu, why did you buy so many things?" Yang Chunling asked.

"This is what we bought with the silver we earned from selling medicinal herbs," Yang Mengchen smiled and replied, "Uncle Daming, Uncle Changsheng, since both your families are here, we'll be making dumplings tonight. Have your meal before you go, and take two bolts of cotton cloth, fifty catties of rice, and flour with you. Also, tomorrow, let Chunling, Tie Zhu, Huzi, and Huihui (Zhou family's sons and daughters) come with us to the mountain to gather herbs, to help with our household expenses."

The kindness of the Yang family was something Yang Mengchen would never forget.

Yang Changsheng's family hurriedly waved their hands in refusal, "It's good enough that Chunling and the others go with you to gather herbs, we can't take these things."

Zhou Dasheng's family also strongly declined.

"I planned a share for you when I bought them, you must accept it," said Yang Mengchen with a hint of seriousness on her face.

Old Master Yang also persuaded, "You have been supporting us for many years and been good to Jiujiu. Since she has already bought it, you should accept it."

Madam Yang Zhou and others spoke words of gratitude, persuading the two families, who finally accepted with tears of appreciation.

"You chat, I will go make dumplings," said Yang Mengchen before heading to the kitchen.

Shen Qiulan and others went to help, while the men joined Yang Chaowen in the yard to continue making furniture.

In the kitchen, several people were kneading dough, chopping meat, washing vegetables, and mixing fillings, and the steaming hot dumplings were quickly ready.

Yang Mengchen also made braised pheasant with bamboo shoots, cold shredded radish, and stir-fried wild vegetables. The dumplings were delicious and plentiful, leaving everyone stuffed.

After the two families left, the Yang family sat in the hall.

Yang Mengchen took out all the silver and laid it on the table, "The medicinal herbs sold for thirty-six taels and seven hundred wen, helping Uncle Luo with a problem got two hundred taels, great-aunt's embroidery sold for three hundred wen, Grandpa gave one hundred wen, minus the money spent on goods, Grandma, you keep the rest."

"This is what you earned; you should keep it," said Madam Yang Zhou as she pushed the silver back to Yang Mengchen.

Yang Chaowen and Yang Chaowu also indicated that their niece should keep it, and everyone else unanimously agreed.

"Okay, I'll listen to everyone," said Yang Mengchen, moved by her family's kindness and trust. "Today, I made money but forgot to buy some treats to honor Grandpa and Grandma. This ten taels of silver represents my filial piety; you must accept it," she said, taking out ten taels of silver and giving it to the elderly couple.

The couple initially didn't want to accept it, but seeing their granddaughter's determination, they took it with emotion and contentment.

"For the sake of this family, everyone has worked hard and loved each other," Yang Mengchen distributed the silver to each hand, "Everyone gets one tael of silver as pocket money, and additionally, since your eldest uncle has resolved his issues and picked himself up, give him two taels of silver as a reward. He must not refuse!"

Several elders, holding the silver, were moved to the point that their eyes turned red.

Especially Yang Chaowen, who felt both guilty and grateful, bowed his head as tears silently fell.

Meanwhile, Yang Chengrong and his seven brothers had so much pocket money for the first time and were so excited that they were somewhat at a loss.

Yang Mengchen then asked Old Master Yang, "Grandpa, how much money do we still owe people in the village?"

"There's still five taels and three hundred wen money left." Old Master Yang remembered clearly how much was borrowed from each household, so as soon as his granddaughter asked, he had the answer ready.

Counting out two thousand and three hundred wen money, Yang Mengchen instructed Old Master Yang, "Now that our family suddenly has so much money, it's inevitable that it will attract attention and cause unnecessary trouble. So, Grandpa, start by repaying those we owe less tomorrow, and pay back the rest in a few days' time. You can say that the money came from selling herbal medicine, Aunt's embroidery, and the eggs the villagers brought. Also convert the eggs into silver for them."

After all, in a few days, she would teach the villagers how to grow medicinal herbs, so it wouldn't matter if they found out now.

Everyone agreed that Yang Mengchen's concerns were valid; while most people in the village were honest and kind, it couldn't be guaranteed that none would be jealous.

"By the way, Grandpa, how much wasteland does our village have? How much does it cost per mu?"

"The land at the foot of the mountain is all wasteland, probably six to seven hundred mu, and each mu costs one hundred wen money."

"Who has the land deeds?"

"The village head, but if someone wants to buy it, both the village head and the Lizheng must go to the County Office to process the transfer of ownership."

"Then tomorrow, Grandpa and Dad go and talk to the village head and the Lizheng, and process the transfer of five hundred mu of that wasteland into my name at the County Office. If the village head and the Lizheng ask questions, say that it is per Uncle Luo's request." Yang Mengchen took out fifty-two taels and two hundred wen money and gave it to Grandpa Yang, "Here's two hundred wen, give twenty wen to both the village head and the Lizheng, and fifty wen to those handling the transfer at the County Office—buy them some wine, as we'll often need their help in the future."

Everyone was astonished.

"Nothing can be grown on that wasteland. What does Jiujiu want to do with it?"

"Grow medicinal herbs," Yang Mengchen smiled. "Today I spoke with Uncle Luo. I will teach him how to make medicine and supply a large quantity of herbs, which requires a lot of land. Once Uncle Luo and I sign the contract, not only will I need many people to help plant them, but also I'll be teaching the villagers, so that their lives can improve a little."

"Will Doctor Luo agree?" While everyone was comforted by Yang Mengchen's willingness to help the villagers, they wondered about Doctor Luo's position.

Confidence sparkled in Yang Mengchen's eyes, "Don't worry, Uncle Luo will definitely agree." After all, it was a mutually beneficial deal, so there was no reason for him to refuse.

"I and Chaoyi will go see the village head and the Lizheng tomorrow," Old Master Yang said proudly, "Jiujiu is intelligent and capable!"

"Of course, Jiujiu is the most intelligent and capable! Gramps might not know it, but not only can Jiujiu read, she also said she will teach us. By the way, Jiujiu, didn't you say you would tell us what those seeds are when we got back?" Yang Chengbin suddenly remembered this.

Apart from Yang Chengrong and his brothers who went to town, the others asked curiously, "What seeds?"

Yang Mengchen had not forgotten, of course. She first took out a bag containing bags of seeds for fruit and vegetables. There were sixteen small bags inside, which she introduced one by one. Afterwards, she took out a little from each of the three large hemp bags and placed them on the table.

"These are sweet potatoes, potatoes, and corn, all seeds for grains. If cultivated, each mu can yield up to a thousand catties. Moreover, these three crops are drought-resistant and don't need to be planted in good fields; they can be planted on the wasteland. Most importantly, once they're promoted across the country, even if there is a drought year, people will no longer have to starve."