Chapter 40 Renovation of the Restaurant_1

"Ms. Yang, the craftsmen have arrived. How would you like to arrange things?" asked Shopkeeper Lin respectfully, though disappointed he didn't get the menu.

The young master had instructed before he left that everyone, including himself, must obey Ms. Yang's orders, and any violation would be met with severe punishment.

"Where are they?"

"In the sideyard."

Yang Mengchen set down her teacup, "I'll meet with the foreman." She went to the Nangong family's Sideyard with Yang Chengrong and Yang Chengyou, following Shopkeeper Lin, who then sent someone to call the foreman.

A clear-faced middle-aged man arrived quickly: "This humble one, Zhuang Ming, has the honor to meet Ms. Yang."

Before he came, the young master had repeatedly warned him to cooperate well with this young lady and that if he caused the young master to lose face, he would not be let off lightly.