Chapter 45 Throw it Out_1

Whispers filled the room. "So they weren't even invited!" Eyes looking at the Zhu family were filled with disdain and mockery.

Hearing the murmurs around her, Zhu Meimei lowered her gaze but was in fact staring fiercely in the direction of Xiao Wanxue, her handkerchief almost twisted into a rope.

That cheap woman, once my brother gets his hands on you, see how I'll deal with you!

And that silly Ninth Sister Yang, who actually caused me to lose face in public, she really deserves to die!

Madam Zhu Ding's face flushed with embarrassment, and she looked somewhat at a loss.

"Wan Xue, you mustn't be rude!" Lady Xiao scolded her daughter, though her face held not a trace of blame. "A few days ago, Doctor Luo came to invite your father, and it just so happened that County Lord Zhu was there. Presumably, County Lord Zhu admires Doctor Luo's good reputation, and thus came to attend the feast."