Chapter 56 Saving Lives_1

"Mengchen (Chengrong) (Chengyou) (Chenghong), we pay our respects to Uncle Luo, Aunty Luo." The four siblings stepped forward to greet them politely.

Doctor Luo pretended to be displeased and said, "I've said it before; we're one family, there's no need to be so formal."

"My lord is right, we are one family," Lady Luo said with a smile, gesturing for them to sit, "Good children, please sit down. Servants, bring the tea."

In every letter that my husband writes home, he mostly praises how clever and capable the young miss is and how well-read and reasonable she is. Even the usually cold-hearted Jingrui has praised a girl for the first time, saying she possesses both beauty and intelligence. Particularly, the clothes the young miss sewed herself matched her tastes remarkably well, and she had been very curious to meet her.

Today, at first sight, the girl indeed appeared intelligent, delicate, and modest, which instantly won her favor.