Chapter 67 Elite Guards_1

Having eaten lunch, Yang Mengchen and her six brothers, including Yang Chengrong, arrived at the foot of Dayang Mountain, the two lofty peaks purchased by Yang Mengchen, which she named Dayang Mountain.

"Second Brother, Third Brother, have all those people been arranged properly?" Yang Mengchen asked Yang Chengning and Yang Chengxuan.

Before heading to the town, she had instructed Second Brother and Third Brother to secretly purchase some young boys and girls, as well as orphaned beggars from the town's brokers, and after making death contracts at the County Office, to bring them into Dayang Mountain.

Yang Chengning nodded, "Little Sister, rest assured, Xiao Guai found an extremely hidden and safe place, which will not easily be discovered by others."

"However, this time we have only sixty-three people," Yang Chengxuan added.

"No rush, we will gradually increase the number," Yang Mengchen said with a smile to comfort the two.