Chapter 108 Sloppy Old Man from Stone Village (5)_1


They were terrified of poverty, and now that they had a chance to make money, they certainly wouldn't let it pass.

Yang Mengchen was amused by such bold and confident words, but her face showed no hint of it.

The village head and Lizheng's faces turned crimson with shame; if there had been a crack in the ground, both would have certainly crawled into it. To ask for help with such an attitude was simply disgraceful.

Yang Chengyu's eyes blazed with anger, itching to charge forward and beat those who dared to bully his mother and maternal family.

The Liu family members were furious, each clenching their fists tightly.

Yang Chengrong stood protectively next to his sister, thinking that they should advise Jiujiu not to buy any more fruit tree saplings since these people were just too much.

Yang Mengchen softly tugged on Old Master Liu's sleeve, signaling him not to speak. After all, the Liu family lived in Stone Village, and some things were inconvenient to say.