Chapter 132: Making a Scene at the Door (4)_1

"Indeed, Ms. Yang is truly a remarkable woman!" Old Hai chimed in from the side, "The fortunate thing is that Ms. Yang was born in Dong Chu and has a kind and compassionate heart. This is Dong Chu's blessing and the common people's good fortune!" He said this while giving Long Xuanmo a meaningful look.

Hua Ziyu nodded in agreement and also glanced at Long Xuanmo.

Ignoring the hidden meaning in the two men's gazes, Long Xuanmo stared intensely at Yang Mengchen, who was not far away. His eyes were deep, and his heart churned like boiling water.

"Uncle Daming, Uncle Changsheng, you two families can take one threshing machine to use." Yang Mengchen called out to Zhou Daming and Yang Changsheng, who were busy working in the adjacent fields.

The two men waved their hands in unison: "Thank you, Ninth Sister Yang, we'll borrow it after your family's rice is harvested." They appreciated Ninth Sister Yang's generosity, but they knew better than to take advantage without due consideration.