Chapter 152: Haizong Yan's Birthday (3)_1

For all these years, he had been blaming himself for not having protected the Sixth Imperial Sister well enough, leading to her being startled and consequently shutting herself off from the world, and despite his many attempts, none had been of any help.

Today, the Sixth Imperial Sister finally spoke up, and his heart was so filled with joy that he was simply beyond words, all thanks to Ah Jiu.

"I've always said that Yingtong is my sister." Blinking to hide the tears of joy in her eyes, Yang Mengchen took the embroidered pouch from Long Yingtong's hand and immediately strapped it to her waist, "Sister really likes this pouch and will always wear it. However, embroidery is tough on the eyes. Yingtong can occasionally embroider small items to pass time, but you mustn't get too engrossed, understand?"

Long Yingtong nodded sweetly with a smile: "Okay!"