Chapter 176 Who is the real culprit (4)_1


Stealing a sidelong glance at the Liao family's mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, Dai Qiangsheng's eyes flickered with triumph and malice.

The Grandma of the Liao family always looked sad, as if she hadn't seen Dai Qiangsheng's gaze, but the grip on her daughter-in-law's arm grew tighter and tighter, fully revealing her nervous and panicked state of mind.

Meanwhile, Fang Qin kept her head down, making it impossible for others to see her expression. However, her body trembled faintly, and if it weren't for leaning closely against her mother-in-law, she might have already fallen to the ground.

Having observed the unusual behavior of the three, Yang Mengchen furrowed his brows slightly, his eyes dark and deep, and he sighed almost inaudibly.

"Responding to the official, as far as this commoner knows, Liao Xiaofu has never had any deep grudges with anyone," replied Dai Qiangsheng after pondering for a moment. "It's just..."

"Just what?" Xiao Hongtao pressed.