Chapter 219 Opening (1)_1

Early the next morning, after breakfast in the dining room on the first floor, Yang Mengchen and Yang Chenghong went to Yongchang Supermarket, with Long Xuanmo and Nangong Lingyan following on each side. Meanwhile, the Yang family's seven brothers and several cousins, as well as the Stewards of the various shops, took care of other stores, as several places opened at the same auspicious hour.

Five days ago, Yang Chenghong, following his sister's suggestion, had leaflets distributed, thus a crowd had already gathered at the entrance.

Yang Mengchen once again toured each floor to inspect, finding the goods neatly arranged and the staff, dressed in their uniforms, all bearing proper smiles. She nodded to herself in approval.

Back at the entrance, Yang Mengchen glanced at the plaque hung with red silk and then instructed Steward Liao to check the preparations for the firecrackers.