Chapter 238: The Fragrance of Wine Overfloweth (3)_1

"I'm going to check on the construction of the Martyr Temple, and I will be back to have lunch with you," Long Xuanmo stood up and walked to the door. Just as he was about to leave, he turned back with a meaningful look at Yang Mengchen, "Jiujiu, rest assured, I don't have a single maid by my side, and there are only cleaning women in the Prince Mansion." He then opened the door and left.

Yang Mengchen was slightly startled, and as she realized the implication behind Long Xuanmo's words, a faint rosy blush spread across her cheeks involuntarily. Ripples of emotion surged in her heart. Suddenly thinking of something, the rosiness on her face gradually faded, and a touch of bitterness crossed her lips. She took several deep breaths to calm her troubled thoughts and began to draft a design on paper.