Chapter 254 Very Interesting Things (2)_1

The beautiful palace maid Yueyuan then stepped forward, holding a brocade box, "A pair of jade Ruyis, our princess wishes the new couple everything goes as they wish."

"Sister, this is Sister Ling, the Sister of Penitentiary appointed to me by the Empress Dowager. These two are my palace maids, Hua and Yueyuan," Long Yingtong carefully explained to Yang Mengchen.

She had told the Empress Dowager that she didn't need sisters and palace maids to serve her. After all, Sister didn't welcome outsiders to live in your house, but the Empress Dowager insisted, and the third brother didn't oppose, so she could only bring the sisters and palace maids.

Sister Ling and the other two bowed respectfully, "This old servant pays respect to Ms. Yang." Prince Chen had already warned them on the way here that they must not be rude to the Yang family, especially to Ms. Yang, otherwise severe punishment would be meted out.