Chapter 256 Xiao family's Internal Conflict and Heart-to-Heart with Hai Tang (1)_1

"A middle-aged man came to the gate of Xiao's House, holding a hairpin, claiming he was following his deceased father's last wish to see his birth mother." Long Xuanmo spoke slowly, "He also said his father and mother had a love at first sight encounter at Ning'an Temple and soon after, he was born;

knowing his mother was already married to someone of high status, his father took him away as a newborn to distant lands, not revealing his origins until on his deathbed;

He tried several times to send letters to meet his birth mother to no avail, and as a last resort, he had no choice but to show up in person."

Yang Mengchen chuckled inwardly, though outwardly feigned curiosity, "This is indeed a very interesting matter, how did the Xiao family react?"