Chapter 263: The Story of a Young Eagle Growing into a Mighty Eagle (4)_1

Yang Mengchen's brow furrowed slightly, "Given Madam Zhang Liao's selfish nature, it's very likely she'd have Zhang Meixing take the blame. No fool would believe she'd commit suicide out of fear of punishment."

"Miss is truly intelligent, immediately guessing the most crucial point," Hai Tang praised. "Recently, Madam Zhang Liao has been beating and scolding Zhang Meixing every day, often leaving her covered in bruises. Zhang Meixing hated Madam Zhang Liao to death. Realizing that Madam Zhang Liao intended to poison Butcher Zhang and his concubine and frame her for the crimes, she decided to strike first. As soon as Madam Zhang Liao succeeded, she secretly poisoned Madam Zhang Liao to make it look like a suicide out of fear. Unfortunately, Sir Xiao was keenly aware and Zhang Meixing soon confessed without denial, leading Sir Xiao to sentence her to be executed in three days."