Chapter 289: Suspecting the Emperor's Arrival in Yongchang (3)_1

Perhaps the sacrificed soldiers were unaware, but the living ones would surely be emboldened to protect their family and country fearlessly. Their families, whether grieving or relieved, would find solace, thus supporting the soldiers wholeheartedly in their loyalty to Dong Chu.

Xiao Hongtao said respectfully, "The Emperor is wise, benevolent, and righteous. Your humble servant has always followed Your Majesty's virtuous governance and fulfilled my duties, I am truly unworthy of such praise from Your Majesty."

The Emperor smiled briefly and, without saying anything further, continued walking forward. Upon seeing the lush green sprouts on both sides of the road within the fields, his brows furrowed deeply.

"Beloved Xiao, what is going on here? Why have this year's wheat and rice not matured yet?" He recognized they were wheat and rice seedlings and knew the harvesting season for both crops had already passed.