Chapter 299 Joyful Event, Severed Hand (3)_1

She cherished her current life greatly—the master was benevolent and generous, the atmosphere warm and tranquil, giving her the feeling of being at home.

But at the end of the day, she was a woman, and when the night fell silent, she, too, hoped for someone to cherish and love her, to share the simple happiness of mutual care and concern.

Seeing Qiao Niangzi's thoughts, Yang Mengchen, who sat quietly beside her, smiled and said, "Qiao Niangzi has forgotten that Aunty Xiao is a few years older than you are, and the Eldest Princess once accidentally ingested Sterility Powder, but now, don't they both have their own offspring?"

Qiao Niangzi suddenly looked up at Yang Mengchen. That's right; the Eldest Princess and Lady Xiao had children after receiving treatment and care from the young lady, each of them now having twins. That meant the young lady could also cure her, and she could have her own child, even if it was just a daughter.