Chapter 301 Benevolent Heart Irrigation (2)_1

In the waiting time, everyone had come to know of Yang Mengchen's identity.

The crowd watching on couldn't help but praise the doctors for their benevolent hearts and reasonable charges at the hospital, deciding privately that if they ever fell ill, they would come to this hospital.

"Go home and make him more pork bone soup, remember to add a few red dates, and he should also eat more pork liver." Glancing at Mu Jin, Mu Jin immediately took out twenty taels of silver and handed them to the old woman. Yang Mengchen said indifferently, "Seventh Brother, after he recovers, arrange for him to work at the hospital."

"Okay," Yang Cheng'an nodded.

As the family was about to kneel and kowtow again, Yang Mengchen stood up and walked towards the upstairs office, leaving only her silhouette to the crowd.

The onlookers were stunned. Why did Ms. Yang leave without a word? Nevertheless, they greatly admired Ms. Yang's kindness and generosity.