Chapter 325 Resolute Intent(6)_1

The supplementary card that Ah Meng gave me, I've also canceled it,

As for the jewelry you gave to Shi Haifeng, all of Ah Meng's friends bought it, but Shi Haifeng is not having an easy time;

Additionally, my monthly salary is used for daily expenses, and I have not accepted the shares that Ah Meng gave me, so there is no savings at home. Once it goes to court, not only will you not get a penny, but your crimes will be exposed to everyone. Are you sure you want to see in court?"

"Hang Qingming, you're ruthless! You're simply not a man!" Huang Meilin screamed hysterically, yet there was nothing she could do.

Hang Qingming's face remained expressionless, not even a furrow creased his brow.

It wasn't that he was heartless, but he wouldn't allow anyone to squander the money Ah Meng had worked hard for!