Chapter 344: The Emperor's Cunning (1)_1

Long Xuanmo had long cultivated a demeanor unflappable by events. Upon hearing the Emperor's question, his heart tightened, but his face betrayed no emotion, "Replying to Father Emperor, your son truly wishes to marry Yang Mengchen as his wife. Please grant your son's request!"

"Oh?" the Emperor's lips curled into a smile that was not quite a smile, "Just now, Prince Jing also requested that I grant his marriage to Yang Mengchen. It seems the brothers are united in heart."

"Reporting to Father Emperor, your son heard that Ms. Yang has a quiet and honest nature, which is why I developed affection for her," Prince Jing's handsome face tinted slightly red.

Long Xuanmo glanced sideways at Prince Jing, "Where did Sixth Imperial Brother hear that Ms. Yang is quiet and honest?" His calm and indifferent tone carried no emotion, yet the gaze he fixed on Prince Jing was as unfathomably deep as the ocean.