Chapter 348: Seeking a Marriage Partner (1)_1

"Ah Jiu, my wife: Today I arrived in Changshan Prefecture, and Prefect Lei prepared a lavish banquet to welcome me, but my palate has been spoilt by your cooking, and I can't swallow anything down here. What should I do, Ah Jiu? I won't see you for a long time, my food lacks flavor, and I can't sleep at night. What should I do? ... Ah Jiu, I miss you so much! Husband: Mo."

Looking at the letter just received from Long Xuanmo, Yang Mengchen's cheeks flushed with embarrassment, she looked up and saw Lv Luo and the other two deeply engrossed in their books, she quietly took a few deep breaths to calm her emotions and a gentle, soft smile played upon her lips.

Ever since Long Xuanmo left, he would write her a thick letter every two days, the content merely about daily trivialities, almost like accounting for water's flow, with no sweet words or honeyed phrases, but warmth and sweetness could be felt between the lines.