Chapter 383 Golden Words (1)_1

With Meng Hanyue's words, not only did the Emperor's face slightly change, but everyone else was deeply shocked and incredulous.

Since ancient times, women were not allowed to be involved in politics, yet in Anqing Country, girls learned about the livelihood of the people and even took up official positions in the Imperial Court from a young age, which was utterly unimaginable.

However, some farsighted individuals sighed in private: Given that both men and women of Anqing Country possess outstanding talents, it is no wonder that their national strength is robust and that no one dares to take them lightly.

Yang Mengchen's eyes shone brightly, her heart clear.

Presumably, only that female military physician, namely Brother Jingqi's Imperial Aunty, could have such an idea that was nothing short of shocking and unheard of, right?