Chapter 380 What Qualifications Do You Have (5)_1

Seeing his son's ashen face and venomous gaze, Master Zhuo felt a heartrending mix of desolation and anger.

In two generations, Yulin was the only one who had exceptional intelligence and outstanding abilities. Now that the Emperor had stripped him of his official post and sent him home for self-reflection, it was nothing less than a catastrophe for Yulin.

Fang Zhiqian and Dong Wencheng were actually the Emperor's confidants, and they would surely slowly erode his power. The Emperor, considering his reputation, would not destroy the Zhuo family. Instead, he would maintain them in comfortable idleness. By doing so, not only did the Emperor eliminate a thorn in his side, but he also gained the reputation of being merciful and wise. Such a move was incredibly vicious.