Chapter 391: Long Xuanmo Gets Angry (1)_1

"Quick, capture that wretch!" Regrettably, the six people still did not move, and Wu Wenlan flew into a rage out of humiliation, "Are you defying the orders of this princess?"

"They're dead, calling them is useless now."

"That's simply impossible!"

People outside the temple heard Wu Wenlan's sharp screeching and were all shaken to the core, but since Wu Wenlan had given strict orders, they could only wait outside.

"If you don't believe it, check their foreheads for a tiny black dot," Yang Mengchen said with an indifferent and frosty expression.

After glaring fiercely at Yang Mengchen, Wu Wenlan examined the foreheads of the six people one by one and indeed saw a pinpoint-sized black dot surrounded by purplish-black skin. She pushed the nearest person, who toppled to the ground with a loud thud, raising clouds of dust. It was clear he had been poisoned to death, and the same was true for the other five.