191 contest_1

"Ah Jiu, what are you thinking about that has you so lost in thought?" Long Xuanmo stepped into the room and saw his beloved wife sitting by the window, staring blankly at the garden, oblivious even to his return.

Upon hearing his inquiry, Yang Mengchen suddenly came back to reality and, turning her eyes upon seeing Long Xuanmo's concerned and slightly resentful gaze, she smiled and rose to her feet, "Wende is back."

Long Xuanmo nodded, pushed down the questions in his heart, and went to the bathroom to freshen up. Moments later, he returned to his wife's side, sat down, and accepted the cup of clear tea she handed to him, sipping it elegantly. Then he gazed deeply at his wife.

"Wende, how is Deputy General Shao?" Yang Mengchen asked.

Arching an eyebrow, Long Xuanmo's low voice was filled with a thick note of jealousy, "Was Ah Jiu just thinking of him, so much so that you didn't even notice my return?"