Willing to accept the outcome of a bet_3

Yang Mengchen smiled faintly at the stunned Higuirre and said, "Princess Higuirre, please continue, Princess Chen is waiting for you."

Lan Ling had a particular fondness for researching cold weapons, especially crossbows, for which she had a special affection. She had once developed a ten-shot crossbow and, whenever there was time, would practice archery with her. After Lan Ling died in the line of duty, she continued to practice in memory of her friend.

Here, although she hadn't touched a crossbow since, the skills had long been ingrained in her bones. Coupled with her robust inner strength and frequent practice of the Flying Needle Skill, her techniques naturally became even more refined.

"There's no need to continue, we admit defeat," Batelgen said with a smile.