194 team up to abuse the scum girl_1

Weiwei lifted her eyes to Long Yanrou, and with an indifferent expression, Chu Dieyi asked, "What does the Commandery Princess wish for this humble wife to say?"

"You should understand that your background will cause General Shao shame for the rest of his life!" Long Yanrou declared proudly, lifting her chin, "I, as the Commandery Princess, am of noble birth, exceptional beauty, and proficient in music, chess, calligraphy, and painting. I have been learning to manage household affairs since childhood and am more than capable in the social circles of The Capital's elite. If you truly have General Shao's best interests at heart, you should know what to do. After all, only I can assure that General Shao will ascend swiftly through the ranks and enjoy riches and honors!"

The last sentence was spoken in a low voice by Long Yanrou, thinking only Shao Mingyi and Chu Dieyi could hear it. However, many in the crowd heard every word, their eyes sparkling with inscrutable brilliance.