
The moonlight, like water, cascaded its faint, clear glow onto the slightly upturned azure tiles and vermilion eaves, illuminating the floor of the elegant inner chamber through the open window, bathing everything it touched in a cold light. The night breeze blew gently in waves, bringing with it the refreshing fragrance of the earth.

Resting on the arm of Long Xuanmo, listening to the sound of his heartbeat, feeling his warm breath, Yang Mengchen hesitated for a moment before slowly saying, "Wende, there's something I've been hiding from you."

She knew that Wende had always harbored doubts, but it was only because of his deep love and concern for her that he had refrained from asking.

The hand Long Xuanmo had on his beloved's hair paused slightly, a fleeting shadow of darkness flitting across his eyes before they returned to calm.