201 Poetic Amusement_1

Seeing Yang Mengchen alight from the carriage, Madam Xu of the Xinyang Marquis Mansion and her two daughters-in-law, Madam Zhao and Madam Liu, approached with ingratiating smiles, respectfully greeting her, "Your humble servants have the honor to welcome Princess Chen. It is a privilege for the Hou Mansion that Princess Chen has come to attend the flower viewing party."

Everyone knew that Princess Chen rarely attended banquets, yet today she graced the Hou Mansion with her presence. This not only brought glory to the Hou Mansion but also allowed them to bask in the good fortune of the Princess.

"Please, rise." Yang Mengchen displayed an appropriately modest smile, "I have long heard that the Hou Mansion boasts a complete and valuable collection of flowers. Regrettably, I have been too busy with numerous affairs, but these past few days I happened to have some leisure time and thus have come to admire them."