Deception within deception_3

Clapping her hands, the maid commanded three guards who immediately appeared to take Yang Mengchen to a side room not far away in the courtyard. Despite being unconscious, Hai Tang still clung stubbornly to Mengchen, inseparable, so the guards had to take them together to the room while another guard escorted Mo Mei to the adjacent side room.

"I'll go notify the princess, you bring the person here, and you two stand guard here," the maid instructed the three guards.

It wasn't long before Prince Jing arrived with his followers, who quickly killed the two guards outside the door and swiftly disappeared with their bodies.

Prince Jing then pushed the door open, entered and closed it, before slowly approaching the bed, where he gazed at the tightly closed eyes of Yang Mengchen with an unusual gentle expression, his pupils flickering with a fiery light.