205 compromise, Ma family infighting_1


Madam Zhang had always thought her second daughter-in-law to be shrewd and smooth in handling matters, but now she seemed utterly useless. Even if it really was her second daughter-in-law's doing, she should have found a way to shift the blame. Silence is tantamount to confession, Madam Zhang thought with inward annoyance. It was a pity, with everyone watching, she couldn't speak out to remind her, nor did she have the strength to turn the tides.

At that moment, a maid led the doctor in. After a careful examination, the doctor declared, "This young lady has fallen into a coma due to a sleep medicine."

"Sleep medicine?" Maternal Aunt Rou cried out loud, "Then what about the wound on Huanhuan's forehead? Will it leave a scar?"

Huanhuan was already fourteen, an age suitable for discussing marriage matches. If she were left with a scar, how could they talk about a good marriage?