Route 208 sees injustice_1

"You black-hearted bastards, not only have you swallowed our pensions, but you're also not sparing those of our deceased brothers. You're not human! If I don't have a way to live, don't think you can either!" A rough and indignant voice shouted loudly.

Soon after, a clamor arose, accompanied by screams and curses.

Pension funds?

Yang Mengchen's eyebrows furrowed tightly, it seemed this was not a common street disturbance, and having encountered it, she would not stand idly by. She glanced at Hai Tang.

Hai Tang immediately stepped out of the carriage to investigate and quickly returned. "Reporting to the princess, two individuals from the Ministry of War were chatting in the teahouse about the pension funds, and by chance, more than a dozen men overheard them. Those men were soldiers recently retired due to injuries, thus a conflict arose between the two groups."