Route 208 sees injustice_3

"Yanhe, do you recognize her?"

Yuwen Yanhe shook his head.

Jin Kuan and Yuwen Yanhe had been playmates since childhood. He had seen all the women Yuwen Yanhe knew, and he didn't remember such a person, so he didn't care.

In this ancient society where official ranks dictated everything, a small official from the Tidu Yamen Government Office actually refused to give face to Yuwen Yanhe, a third-rank general—Yang Mengchen found this very hard to understand.

"The princess may not know, but Prince Duan once wanted to betroth Princess Duan's own sister to General Yuwen when he was still a border guard captain," explained Sister Jin, seemingly catching Yang Mengchen's bewilderment. "However, General Yuwen declined, and Cao Da probably wanted to use this incident to regain face for the Fan family (Princess Duan's maiden home)."