211 visits ward_2

"I will thoroughly investigate," Long Xuanmo's spirit was jolted, his deep eyes harboring a bone-chillingly stern coldness.

At the break of the next day, Yang Mengchen lead Hai Tang, five others, Xiao Guai, three servants including Yang Cheng'an and Long Ruoshui, along with ten medical personnel. They rendezvoused with five thousand soldiers waiting outside the city and set off to Danyang County, carrying medicines and daily necessities, traveling day and night.

Yang Mengchen thought that arriving even a minute earlier could minimize the losses. Since Birdy had not clarified the specifics of the disaster, and Wende had mentioned that the report didn't detail it either, she had no idea what to expect.

What would normally have been a five-day journey, the group completed in only three days.

About fifty miles from Danyang County, Yang Mengchen ordered her people to halt three men and a woman, along with two small boys, who were clearly infected with smallpox and trying to escape.