The 212 crisis is resolved, unexpected windfall_3

The villagers were all filled with gratitude, insisting on kowtowing three times to Yang Mengchen, then praising the Emperor and Prince Chen for their sage and benevolent virtues before rising to their feet.

Watching the villagers, teary-eyed and simple, Yang Mengchen felt a faint sourness in her nose, blinked her eyes, and concealed the clear tears within.

"Although you have just suffered the ravages of smallpox, from now on, you all have immunity and need not fear smallpox anymore. Furthermore, the princess will select an upright and honest person to succeed as County Magistrate. I hope you all will cooperate well with the new County Magistrate, unite as one, and make your homes—and Dan Yang County—more prosperous and strong!"

"Yes!" The crowd responded with a determined look, their passionate voices nearly piercing the skies.