Return to Beijing for the 214th time, deceive _2

Hearing Luo Jingyao's words, not just a few households, but also the officials and their families in The Capital, as well as the soldiers guarding the city gates and the passing citizens, all looked forward with great anticipation. Upon hearing the orderly footsteps approaching, everyone's expression became excited.

"Princess," Hai Tang said in a low voice, riding horseback to the left of the carriage, "the old master and the others are waiting at the city gates." Her vision was extremely good, and she could make out the distant figures at a glance.

Lifting the carriage curtain, Yang Mengchen indeed saw a dense crowd in front, with her relatives at the very front. Her eyes immediately moistened.

Gripping his beloved wife's hand tightly, Long Xuanmo's heart was filled with a warmth, for with his wife and these relatives, he was not alone.