226 Father and Son, Four Nations Celebration_1

"She and the two children are now in Yangliu Village, rest assured, they are all well." Before returning to The Capital, Madam Duan Mu gave Yang Mengchen the jade hairpin she had always worn in her hair bun, a gift from her husband: "Imperial Uncle and the two children are very close, he even personally carved Small Wooden Swords this morning, and sent them along with gifts to the children."

Lin Zheqi, who was extremely intelligent, instantly understood: "Thank you!" Thank you for saving my wife and children! Thank you for allowing a father to reunite with his sons!

"Once those rebels are removed, your family will be able to reunite, so you must take good care of yourself."

Yang Mengchen took out two bottles of medicine for Lin Zheqi, explaining their uses and precautions, earnestly admonishing him to pay attention to his safety.

Long Xuanmo remained silent, his eyes deep, his face bearing a faint concern.