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The brocade box contained a string of black pearl bracelets, each black pearl full and uniform in size. Such naturally occurring black pearls were extremely difficult to find, not to mention a set of eighteen equally sized black pearls—it was truly a once-in-a-lifetime find.

Yang Mengchen liked it immediately upon seeing it, gently closing the lid and returning the box to Prince De with both hands: "Uncle De, this gift is really too precious; I cannot accept it."

"Do you like it?" Prince De did not take the box back, his affection for the clever and sensible young girl growing even more.

Nodding emphatically, Yang Mengchen replied with a smile, "I really like it, but..."

"As long as you like it, that's all that matters," Prince De said, feigning distress, "This was a gift prepared by your royal aunt, who repeatedly stressed that I make sure it gets to you. If you do not accept it, I am bound to be scolded when I return. Please 'take pity on me' and accept it, alright?"