229 Qi Family Siblings' Conspiracy _2

Hai Tang continued, "The stepmother then urged the Emperor of Xiliang to marry off Princess Qiulu as a subsequent wife to her own nephew, a man indulgent in eating, drinking, whoring, and gambling, with a full array of vices, and moreover, he had peculiar tastes; his first three wives all perished from his abuse;

Princess Qiulu resisted to the death, and when the stepmother plotted to have the man tarnish Princess Qiulu's purity, fortunately, Qi Zongyu saw through the scheme in time and saved her. With no other choice and utterly despairing, Princess Qiulu chose to renounce the secular world and become a nun, which finally made the stepmother give up;

Now the struggle between Qi Zongyu and Qi Zonghao is extremely fierce, regrettably, the stepmother's family controls the military power, and Qi Zonghao is favored by the Emperor of Xiliang, making Qi Zongyu's situation extremely precarious."