229 Qi Family Siblings' Conspiracy _4

Indeed, during the competition, she was determined to make that wretched woman lose all face. Once Prince Chen saw the woman he doted on embarrass herself, he would naturally not spoil her as he did now. Without Prince Chen's protection, that wretched woman would be nothing, and she was a princess of a country, by then she could deal with that woman however she wished.

With this in mind, Qi Qiuxin no longer threw her temper or broke things, and immediately ran excitedly to find her brother Qi Zonghao.

Qi Zonghao looked at his sister in surprise, "What did you say?"

"Tomorrow morning, Second Imperial Brother must go to Emperor Dongchu and insist that the wretch... Princess Chen participate in the competition," Qi Qiuxin said excitedly.

"Nonsense!" Qi Zonghao's handsome face darkened as he scolded sternly, "Each country decides its own contestants for the competition, other nations have no right to interfere. What basis do we have to demand Dong Chu to change their participant?"