230 Schemes in Jinluan Hall_3

In the late years of the Former Imperial Great Grandfather, the Three Kingdoms Allied Army attacked Dong Chu, which suffered a crushing defeat. Xiliang took the opportunity to forcefully occupy Sanchuan and four other cities. On his deathbed, the Former Imperial Great Grandfather exhorted the then Emperor to reclaim those five cities.

Regrettably, from the then Emperor to the next, and then to when he ascended the throne, for nearly a hundred years, they had failed to fulfill the wish of the Former Imperial Great Grandfather. Even the last time Momo defeated the Three Kingdoms Allied Army, they did not reclaim these cities.

If Jiujiu could really reclaim the cities through the competition, not only would she fulfill the long-standing wish of four generations of Emperors, allowing him to face his ancestors after a century, but it would also add a significant feat to his already impressive achievements.